The Struggle of Work-Life Balance

Senior leaders in the business world are very busy, so much so that their schedules are often full and spill over into their personal lives. Working until the evening whether in the office or at home is a feature not a bug of senior leadership. But why is achieving work-life balance such a difficult task […]
The Disconnected Senior Leader

It’s heartbreaking to see that more and more senior business leaders are feeling a bit lost and alone these days. These folks are leading their companies and when they are hurting, so are the organizations that they serve. The role itself places these senior leaders at the top of a hierarchy, creating a physical and […]
Financial Strain and the Senior Leader

Why should senior leaders worry about their finances? Aren’t they all rich? No, not really. It’s quite complicated and many senior leaders actually do worry a lot about financial strain. Let’s look at compensation. Firstly, senior leaders earn more than base pay. They have some sort of stock options if the company is public, and/or […]